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  • Writer's pictureTravis Larkman

First Demo Vid!

So after having people play test this week and finding more bugs (sigh) I have fixed the major ones and decided to move on to the main level from here on out. I've made this decision as, ultimately my focus here is the level design, not the polish of the mechanics. They work, and that's what matters.

I also have produced a new checkpoints system where you light lamp posts using an aptly named "life ball". Lighting a new lamp post sets a new spawn location for when you fall off the map.

Pretty short post this week.. only other thing to note is that their is no audio in the actual game, as of yet, and there may never be (at least during the planned length of the project. As for next week, not much progress is likely to be made as I have personal matters that need attending to.

Check out the video below anyways! There are some visual artefacts in the level that I plan to revisit in the last week or so of the project, noted.

Thanks for reading/watching :) feedback is always appreciated.


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